
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd - questions

1. Where was the home of Mrs. Ferrars? 2. When and what wa the cause of Mrs Ferrars death? 3. When did Dr Sheppard arrive at Mrs Ferrars home? 4. What was the name of Caroline’s parlour maid? 5. What does Caroline think of Mrs Ferrars death? 6. What does Caroline think of Mrs Ferrars death? 7. When did Ashley Ferrars die? 8. What was the name of Dr Sheppard’s town? 9. Who is the most prominent citizen of Kin’s Abbot? 10. What was the name of Ackroyd’s house? 11. With whom did Roger live in Fernly Park? 12. Who was Ralph Paton? 13. How did Roger’s wife die? 14. What according to Dr Sheppard is the reason of Ashley Ferrars death? 15. What was the name of Roger’s housekeeper? How long had she been working? 16. When did Ralph Paton arrive and where was he staying? 17. What is the dilemma of Roger Paton? 18. Why does Dr Sheppard call Caroline’s deductions ‘inspired guesswork’? 19. Who all visit the Roger residence on the evening of September 17? 20.Wh...

Gulliver Travels - Book 1 (Short Questions)

    Gulliver’s Travels   Text based questions: Chapter 1 – 3 (Radha Publications book has been followed where page nos are given) 1.       Where did Gulliver live? 2.      Where did he study at fourteen? 3.      What was his profession? 4.      To whom did he become an apprentice? 5.      How long did he study physick? 6.      Where did he begin his voyaging career? 7.      To whom was Gulliver married? 8.      Where did they live then? 9.      When did Gulliver set sail on the Antelope? 10.   Who was the captain? 11.    When did he set sail? 12.   What happened to the ship? 13.   What did Gulliver find when he woke up? 14.   How long did he sleep? 15.   What was the cry after which they started attacking Gulliver? 1...