Women's Suffrage in England
The First World War brought mixed reactions in England. The Public however was supportive of the Government decision. Nationalistic fervour rose and war was considered an opportunity for the ‘test of manhood’ (27,1914: The Opening Campaigns) Many saw in the War an aspect of liberation from an outworn regime. Intellectuals and ruling classes participated willingly and found in it an opportunity to display their leadership. Workers in the industries and in the urban environment s got a respite from their tedious jobs.The powers had not contemplated for a long war. British military head Kitchner understood well in time that the war would be a long one and would need a huge band. As such, it was essential to provision for man-power well in advance. He got an immediate response and by the end of 1914, more than a million men joined. This was more than what had been asked for, and far more than the number that could be equipped and armed. Compulsory enrolment in military service had been co...