
Showing posts from August, 2019

Bhimayana_Short Questions

  These short questions from the graphic novel Bhimayana are directed only for the help of students studying under CBCS .   Bhimayana - (Navayana Publication) BOOK 1 1. Who are the writers of Bhimayana? 2. What is digna? 3. What are the features of a graphic novel? 4. How is Bhimayana different from other graphic novels? 5. What is the art form used in Bhimayana? 6. Define the word bubbles used? 7. Who designed the titles? 8. How did the gond artists relate themselves to Ambedkar’s story? 9. What is the Khairlanji episode? 10. What was the eureka moment in the course of painting? 11. Define some of the animal imageries used in the novel.(5) 12. Who first used the word ‘Dalit’? 13. Who first used the word ‘Depressed’? 14. Who first used the word ‘Harijan’? 15. Narrate the circumstances that relate the discrimination that Mahatma and Ambedkar had to face? What is the difference?(5) 16. To whom is the Bhimayana dedicated and why? 17. N...