
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Odour of Chrysanthemums : Short Questions

Only for UG students 1.   What was the number of the locomotive unit? 2. From where did it come and how many wagons did it have? 3. Who was the waiting woman? For whom was she waiting? 4. “Like pink clothes hung on bushes” What is being referred to here? 5. Describe the waiting woman. 6. What was the name of the two children? 7. Describe the lad? 8. “Don’t do that – it looks nasty” Who says this? What looks nasty? 9. Why did the man not come to meet his daughter on Sunday? 10. What did Elizabeth bring for her father? 11. “…but make a beast of himself” Explain the context. 12. “They had but to wait for the father’s coming to begin tea” Who were they? Did the father come? What was the time by the clock? 13. “Why, mother, its hardly a bit dark yet” Why does the girl say so? 14. Examine the symbol of chrysanthemums. 15.” They’ll bring him when he does come – like a log”. How does the statement become ironical? 16. How can we subtitle the three sect...