It is "Time" to remember the great crusader : DR. B.R. Ambedkar

India is a democratic country. The good governance of a country necessitates the passing of laws, taking adequate measures to make the laws functional and to punish the law breakers. Hence, the constitution of law forms an integral backbone to any government and any country.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is called the 'Father of the Indian Constitution' for his arduous role in constituting the law of this land. Ambedkar campaigned for and advocated the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. He championed the cause of the underprivileged and the downtrodden and was an exponent of women's empowerment and emancipation. As Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, he laid down laws to bring equality for all. Ambedkar defended that if the democratic right of 'one man, one vote' -'one man, one value' can be sanctioned in the political system then why can't this principle of 'one man, one value' be sanctioned in the social and economic system. So long as disparity and differences exist in the system, so long the threat of challenging and overthrowing the structure itself.
In this turn of the century, there is a need to re-asses Ambedkar's crusade and contribution in the development of the status of women in India. He believed that social reformation should go side by side with political change.  Ambedkar realized early that a legal framework was necessary for the implementation of equal rights. Although efforts have been made and laws provisioned and changes brought, the full rights of women are yet to be restored. And so remains as Ambedkar himself had said the threat to topple from “those who suffer from inequality to blow up the structure of political democracy so laboriously built up”. Political amendments should go hand in hand with social reformation and this is possible only through education. Only proper unbiased education will wipe away the deep rooted differences that exist in the cultural and social system. Laws have to be strict and punishments rigidly enforced to avoid violation and disregard for laws. Kavita Kait correctly states that it is necessary to improve the support system for working women who manage family and careers efficiently but with an increased stress level. We are hopeful for the proposed 33% Reservation Bill in the Lok sabha and State Legislature. India has had Women Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers. Women are now officers in the Army, Air Force, Judges, teachers, doctors, engineers, etc and even bus conductors. However, the prevalent atrocities of dowry deaths, honour killing, rape, marital rape, human trafficking, abortions of girl child, denial of education for the girl child indicates that we have a far way to go. In the rural areas, women are not even aware of their rights and are often exploited. The need of the hour therefore, is value based education and an awareness and knowledge of one's rights. Ambedkar aptly pronounces "I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved."(Joseph M. Demakis p 415). And so long as the women of a nation do not progress, the nation can never progress.
It is indeed a proud moment when the United Nations decides to observe the 125th birth anniversary of this architect of the Indian Constitution, the great crusader, 'man' amongst men, path- finder whose foresight and perseverance facilitated the cause of the depressed classes and women in India. “A note Circulated by the Indian Mission has said that as India celebrates the 125th birth anniversary of the 'national icon’, Babasaheb remains an inspiration for millions of Indians and proponents of equality and social justice across the globe. Fittingly, although it is a matter of coincidence, one can see the trace of Babasaheb's radiant vision in the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the U.N. General Assembly to eliminate poverty, hunger and socio-economic inequality by 2030” (The Hindu). No wonder that India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru had said on his death “Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was a symbol of revolt against all oppressive features of Hindu society.” In a conservative society like India, among the reformers who advocated the cause of women emancipation, the name of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar will remain one of the forerunners as he not only lent moral support with his social philosophy but also formally executed it with a constitutional seal.


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