Walt Whitman's 'Passage to India' - questions and reference


1.       What is the past as referred to by Whitman in his poem?

2.       What are the wonders of the modern world?

3.       What are the wonders of the new world?

4.       “You too I welcome” What does the poet welcome?

5.       What is the passage to India?

6.       What is God’s purpose?

7.       ‘A worship new I sing’ – What is this new worship?

8.       Describe the tableaus.

9.       Describe the passage of the Transcontinental railroad?

10.   Who was the Genoese? What was his dream?


Links for further study

1.       https://poemanalysis.com/walt-whitman/passage-to-india/

2.       https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/l/leaves-of-grass/summary-and-analysis-calamus/passage-to-india

3.       https://dh.howard.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1122&context=reprints




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