
Showing posts from 2017

A Flummoxed Parent

Parenting is an acquired skill. Parents have to be conscious about how they represent themselves in front of their children.  This is because, most often, children try to find their first idols in their parents and mould themselves accordingly. A parent’s good habit is automatically passed on to the child without any deliberate effort. But then, it is not only the good habits but the bad habits as well that gets naturally passed on. It therefore, becomes extremely important to maintain a congenial environment in the house for the proper growth and upbringing of a child. I wonder, if this was the case in the older times as well. Ours was an extremely conservative, patriarchal family. My Maa would scare us and say “Wait, till your Baba comes” and this would be enough to quiet us. Before Baba came home from his teaching job, each one of us would be sitting with our books, hair braided and learning our lessons. The perfect child to be! But as time went by, it donned that the clear...

It is "Time" to remember the great crusader : DR. B.R. Ambedkar

India is a democratic country. The good governance of a country necessitates the passing of laws, taking adequate measures to make the laws functional and to punish the law breakers. Hence, the constitution of law forms an integral backbone to any government and any country. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is called the 'Father of the Indian Constitution' for his arduous role in constituting the law of this land. Ambedkar campaigned for and advocated the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. He championed the cause of the underprivileged and the downtrodden and was an exponent of women's empowerment and emancipation. As Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, he laid down laws to bring equality for all. Ambedkar defended that if the democratic right of 'one man, one vote' -'one man, one value' can be sanctioned in the political system then why can't this principle of 'one man, one value' be sanctioned in the social and economic sy...

Colson Whitehead's The Underground Railroad : A Review

Memoir of the black American Solomon Northup, a free man who was sold as a slave in the South, Twelve Years a Slave , later cinematized into the 2013 Oscar –Winning film by the same title left an indelible impression in the face of the post-colonial world. History records and keeps within its fold stories of unbearable torment, pain and anguish of a faction of the society by another. As civilization progresses, we cannot forget that the past is not , taintless,  unstained. To willfully forget this history is cowardice on the part of later generations and therefore courage lies in accepting this bitter and harsh reality of human violence. Arguments, discourses and debates are prejudiced from one’s point of view and therefore cannot be sanction for intolerance, violence and injustice. Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad is an imprint of absorbed facts as it narrates the tale of a slave-girl Cora, her escape from serfdom to factually uncertain liberation through the Underg...